Jobs are a good starting point to create a living. For a person who wants to build wealth you have to push yourself to think beyond a job. Look at a pay check as a building block to something bigger. Determine how to invest your money into something that can grow. Each dollar in your paycheck is what I like to call a recruit in your money army. It's your job to figure out how to grow your army to be large and very powerful. Most people do the opposite and spend a money recruit every chance they get. When you spend a recruit look at it as a casualty.
Do you ever think ahead determining how long you will need to continue to work? Do you consider what would happen to your lifestyle if you lost your job? These questions will help you to understand why you must increase your money army.
Money should be thought of as a tool to conquer a situation not as a reward to buy things. There are simple things that can be done to increase your money army. What if you took $20 per pay check and put it in a savings account in another state? How much money would that accumulate in 10 years? Start off simple and work your way up to bigger things. Does uncle Sam hold your tax refund for you every year? If he does how about taking the refund and put it into a mutual fund or Certificate of Deposit (CD) every year? Since you are letting uncle Sam have your money for free with no interest you should figure out something to do that will benefit you in the long run. IF IT DOESN'T MAKE A RETURN IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
Something to think about...
"A person with a large army doesn't waste time worrying about things a person with no army or a small army does." - Jhasmal Hardyway
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